Sunday, December 31, 2023

Innovative Defenses: The rise of RNAi-based solutions in agricultural pest management

In a significant leap forward for sustainable agriculture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has embraced the future of biopesticide technology by registering Greenlight Biosciences' new active ingredient, Ledprona. This innovative solution against the notorious Colorado potato beetle (CPB) symbolizes the EPA's commitment to advancing sustainable agricultural practices and addressing the challenges of climate change and pest resistance.

The Colorado potato beetle, with its distinctive bronze head and black-and-yellow-striped wings, has long been a farmer's nemesis. Known for its voracious appetite for potato plants and other members of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), this pest has developed mechanisms to metabolize toxins, including those found in chemical pesticides. This adaptability has made the CPB a formidable opponent in the agricultural sector since spreading from the Southwest U.S. in the 1850s.


The introduction of Ledprona, a sprayable RNA interference (RNAi) product, marks a new era in combating the CPB. Its unique mode of action targets a gene essential for protein production, vital for the beetle's survival, effectively silencing it without genetically modifying the organism. This innovation represents the first commercial application of a sprayable double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) pesticide, offering a more effective and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional pesticides.

The journey to this groundbreaking discovery began in the 1860s when farmers first used Paris green to combat the potato beetle. However, the beetle's legendary resistance to insecticides, including modern chemicals like neonicotinoids, has necessitated the exploration of alternative methods. Mechanical methods, such as plowing trenches or using flame-throwing equipment, have been tried but proved inefficient and difficult to scale.

The efficacy of RNAi lies in its specificity and minimal environmental impact, as RNA degrades easily. This technology stems from a natural response to viruses, where cells initiate a defense mechanism against double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), leading to the destruction of the virus's genetic material. Harnessing this response, scientists have developed RNAi pesticides that introduce dsRNA specific to the target pest, causing it to self-destruct at a molecular level.

Companies like GreenLight Biosciences are at the forefront of this technological revolution. With the recent opening of its RNA manufacturing plant in Rochester, New York, GreenLight is positioned as a leader in RNAi pesticide development. Its product targeting the Colorado potato beetle is a testament to the potential of RNAi in controlling pests that have developed resistance to traditional pesticides.

Researchers caution that while potato beetles can develop resistance to RNAi, the technology should be used in conjunction with other pest management tools to minimize or delay this risk. The advent of RNAi is a game-changer for the agricultural industry, offering a more targeted and environmentally sustainable approach to pest control.

Despite these advances, the development and application of RNAi pesticides must be approached cautiously, ensuring that they do not adversely affect non-target organisms. The environmental stability of dsRNA and its formulation in pesticides are critical aspects that require careful consideration. However, its development and deployment represent a harmonious blend of scientific innovation and environmental stewardship, promising a more sustainable future for agriculture. As we embrace these new technologies, the focus remains on balancing efficacy with ecological integrity, paving the way for a more responsible approach to pest control

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Pesticides on the plate: Uncovering the risks in our food chain

 In the current landscape of food production, a disconcerting trend is emerging among major manufacturers—a trend that directly undermines the health of consumers, especially children. A recent report from As You Sow, a non-profit organization focused on shareholder advocacy, paints a stark picture: an industry-wide failure to reduce pesticide levels in foods, with implicated companies averaging a grade of 'F' for their efforts, or lack thereof.

The report, titled "2023 Pesticides in the Pantry: Transparency & Risk in Food Supply Chains," reveals a troubling lack of progress, despite previously set goals for pesticide reduction by 2025 and 2030. This stagnation, in the face of mounting risks, is alarming experts who are concerned about repercussions that extend far beyond the soil. Children are particularly at risk, and studies suggest that the issue begins even before birth, with certain pesticides detected in breast milk and umbilical cord blood.

Further alarming discoveries are highlighted by several studies, which show that some of the most common fruits and vegetables, like berries and apples, carry high levels of pesticides. Even substances like the insecticide acephate, which has been banned, are still present in concerning quantities, highlighting a significant gap in enforcement and oversight.

As climate change exacerbates these issues, the report emphasizes how increased soil temperatures and superstorms lead to the dilution of pesticides' effectiveness and their spread into waterways. This results in the use of greater quantities of these chemicals, perpetuating a cycle of increased exposure.

The food industry's response, as evaluated by As You Sow's stringent 2023 standards, has been disappointing. Even brands that previously showed promise have seen their grades fall as the criteria became more rigorous. A few companies, such as General Mills and ADM, have fared slightly better, yet the overall picture remains grim.

Despite these daunting challenges, As You Sow advocates for a shift towards regenerative agriculture practices—methods that not only enhance soil health and resilience but also have the potential to mitigate some of the damage already done.

However, this push for change meets resistance. Companies are slow to adopt these new practices. While some progress has been noted in the development of strategies and third-party audits, significant areas of concern remain. These include the hazardous impacts of neonicotinoids on pollinators and the lack of farmworker protections in the face of pesticide use. The corporate pace of change is lagging behind the urgency of the situation, prompting advocates to demand more decisive action.

For consumers feeling powerless amid these systemic issues, there is recourse through personal choice. By pivoting towards organic and locally produced food from farmers who embrace sustainable practices, consumers can lower their pesticide exposure. Demanding greater transparency, they can press for the systemic change that appears so elusive when left to the industry alone.

This unfolding narrative around pesticide use and food safety is not just a mere report card on corporate progress—it is a critical engagement in the larger battle for a sustainable and healthful food system


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Drones, the silent aviators revolutionizing agriculture

The advent of technology in agriculture, particularly the emergence of drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), has ushered in a new era of farming. As agricultural landscapes burgeon and complexities mount, drones are becoming indispensable tools in augmenting crop management and enhancing overall efficiency.

Agricultural drones are redefining how we perceive and manage our farms. At their core, these UAVs function as aerial observers, meticulously monitoring crops, and gauging their health, growth rate, and overall vitality. These drones operate akin to scouting crop consultants. They proffer detailed insights into soil conditions, crop health, yield predictions, input management, phenotyping ensuring optimal growth and health of the crops.

An exciting feature of these high-tech marvels is their employment of multispectral and hyperspectral sensors, capable of perceiving light wavelengths beyond human vision, such as infrared. This not only allows drones to furnish a detailed snapshot of crop health but also enables them to detect the otherwise invisible "glow" of thriving plants. This provides farmers with an unprecedented understanding of the true health of their crops.

Types of Drones

The diversity in drone design offers a spectrum of functionalities. Fixed-Wing Drones, resembling small airplanes, are adept at covering vast areas and are primarily harnessed for mapping fields and spotting issues like pests or inconsistent irrigation patterns. In contrast, Single-Rotor Drones, mirroring helicopters, are known for their precision, commonly deployed for specific tasks such as crop monitoring or soil analysis. Multi-Rotor Drones, renowned for their agility, are ideal for short-range tasks, capturing detailed aerial imagery, continually monitoring crop health and used for seeding and spraying of crop protection inputs.

Drone Applications

Drones in agriculture are not just limited to crop monitoring. They are extensively used for land imaging, capturing detailed aerial visuals of farmland, assisting in topographical surveying, and facilitating effective land management. Their prowess extends to evaluating soil quality, moisture levels, and nutrient content, guiding irrigation and fertilization strategies. In livestock farming, drones offer the capability to monitor and enumerate livestock, refining overall herd management. They are also harnessed for tasks as varied as irrigation assessment, precise spraying of chemicals, collecting soil and water samples, and swift troubleshooting. Trials are underway on using drones for pollination. 

Advantages of using drones in Agriculture

The adoption of drones brings forth a myriad of advantages, such as time efficiency through the provision of real-time data, enhanced safety by accessing hazardous areas, improved data quality through high-definition imagery, and significant cost savings by optimizing resources. Moreover, from an environmental perspective, drones ensure accurate application of pesticides and fertilizers, thereby curtailing environmental impact.


However, the path to fully harnessing drones in agriculture is laden with challenges. Regulatory hurdles in many countries impose strict norms on drone operations, potentially hampering their full potential. The high initial investment required for top-tier drones may be daunting for small to medium-sized farmers. Moreover, the vast amount of data generated during flights demands specialized expertise for processing and interpretation. Factors such as limited battery life, weather sensitivities, the need for technical proficiency, potential safety concerns, and integration issues with other agricultural technologies are other notable challenges.

Drones are poised to be pivotal players in the agricultural landscape of the future. They offer unprecedented insights into farmlands, ensuring farmers are better equipped than ever before. As we navigate the challenges and embrace the benefits, drones promise a more sustainable and productive future for agriculture.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Transcending 'Net-zero' targets to a 'Climate positive' paradigm

We're witnessing a relentless and increasingly severe and extreme weather events, like hurricanes, heatwaves, and wildfires, playing out with unrestrained intensity. In this crucible of an ever-intensifying climate crisis, the urgent and emphatic call for reducing greenhouse gas emissions echoes louder than ever before. The need to take immediate action to reduce emissions responsible for climate change has reached a level of urgency never seen before in human history.

Yet, within the confines of this momentous struggle against the relentless onslaught of climate change, it becomes increasingly evident that being merely "net-zero" is an insufficient response. The time has arrived for a paradigm shift, a shift from the comfort of "net-zero," and a resolute commitment to attain "climate positive" outcomes. The concept of net-zero, though commendable in its intentions, often falls short of the audacious ambition demanded by the true magnitude of our climate crisis.



Net-zero, in its essence, embodies a delicate equilibrium—a process of offsetting emissions with the removal of an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from our beleaguered atmosphere. In other words it’s a linear approach ‘a ton out and a ton in’. While this approach represents a step in the right direction, it carries a conspicuous limitation—it preserves the status quo of emissions. It's akin to the act of treading water; a survival mechanism that maintains our current position, but it does not propel us towards the distant shore of environmental recovery.

 The imperatives of our escalating climate crisis beckon us to transcend this state of equilibrium. We must aspire to reach for something more profound, more ambitious—a state of being known as "climate positive." To be climate positive is to venture beyond the minimal requirements dictated by legislation or the adoption of measures designed to construct a facsimile of environmental responsibility. It entails a conscious commitment to actively contribute to the restoration of our planet's fragile ecological equilibrium. It represents an acknowledgment that our duty extends beyond merely avoiding harm; we must endeavor to actively continue doing well that can result in incremental improvements in planetary health.

 For corporate entities, in particular, the clarion call resonates with particular poignancy. Embracing a climate-positive stance necessitates not only the reduction of emissions but also active engagement in initiatives that transcend compliance. It calls for investments in sustainable practices, the widespread adoption of renewable energy, resolute efforts in reforestation, and the deployment of advanced carbon capture technologies that eclipse mere regulatory compliance.

 In essence, this constitutes a seismic paradigm shift—a transition from a posture of defense to one of offense in the battle against climate change. It signifies a recognition that businesses and individuals can be transformational forces, catalyzing meaningful change rather than passively mitigating their environmental impact. The imperative to move beyond the confines of net-zero and into the realm of climate positivity is not merely a moral obligation; it represents an existential imperative. The inexorable forces of climate change respond not to half-measures or well-intentioned gestures but to bold, resolute actions that tilt the scales decisively in favor of our beleaguered planet.

 As humanity grapples with the stark reality of climate change, embracing the ethos of climate positivity emerges not merely as an aspirational ideal, but as a thunderous clarion call for a radical transformation. It signifies a commitment not merely to staunch the bleeding wounds of our ailing planet but to nurture it back to vibrant health. It proclaims, in unequivocal terms, that greenwashing and superficial actions are no longer acceptable currencies in the realm of environmental responsibility.

In the grand narrative of climate action, it is high time to alter the script—to cast aside the notion of net-zero, with its connotations of equilibrium-seeking, and embrace the audacious concept of climate positivity. In doing so, we aim not for a return to the status quo, but for a future in which our planet thrives, rejuvenates, regenerates and flourishes, for generations to come.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Biodynamic Agriculture: A regenerative symphony of farming

            Biodynamic Agriculture: Farming in Service of Life ( Short Film)

Imagine a world where the land, plants, animals, and humans dance in harmonious rhythm, creating a symphony of life. In the heart of this enchanting harmony lies Biodynamic Agriculture, a transformative approach that transcends mere farming and becomes a profound connection to the very essence of nature itself. Three years ago, a captivating short film titled "Biodynamic Agriculture: Farming in Service of Life" was released, leaving a trail of awe and inspiration that continues to reverberate in the hearts of many. It's a tale of rediscovery, a journey back to the roots of traditional knowledge systems and the embrace of nature's wisdom. I had an opportunity to participate in this wonderful short film.

In the orchestration of Biodynamic Agriculture, the land is not just a canvas for crops; it's a vibrant entity, a self-sustaining organism interwoven with the delicate threads of the ecosystem. This holistic perspective, a cornerstone of biodynamic farming, extols the profound interdependence of soil, plants, animals, and humans. Each note in this symphony contributes to the grand harmony of life.

Gaze upwards, and you'll find the moon, planets, and stars composing their celestial melodies. Biodynamic farming doesn't just look to the Earth for guidance; it turns its gaze to the cosmos, aligning its rhythms with celestial cycles. Planting and harvesting are guided by the moon's dance, and planetary alignments become cosmic cues for nature's symphony. It's the belief that these celestial rhythms infuse vitality into plant growth, painting the landscape with a vibrant brush.

Biodiversity takes center stage in this captivating composition. Biodynamic farms cultivate ecosystems that mirror nature's intricate patterns. Polyculture fields and graceful crop rotations choreograph a dance that minimizes pests, diseases, and soil degradation. It's a ballet of balance where every step enhances biodiversity, nurtures life, and harmonizes the landscape.

The essence of life's elixir is found in the preparations—elixirs that bring vitality to the soil and awaken the symphony of microbes. These concoctions, crafted from specific herbs and minerals, enriched with nature's melodies, are applied in delicate measures to orchestrate the dance of microorganisms. It's a poetic alchemy that weaves life into every fiber of the land.

A remarkable serenade of closed nutrient cycles resounds through biodynamic farms. Here, the refrain of self-sufficiency echoes as organic matter is tenderly returned to the Earth, weaving an intricate web of interconnectedness. The farm becomes a stage where nature's grand opera unfolds, a testament to the cycles that sustain life.

In this symphony of agriculture, biodynamic preparations emerge as soloists, their melodies guiding the soil and plants towards resplendent vitality. The cadence of plants, minerals, and animal parts harmonize to awaken a crescendo of health and vigor across the land.

This orchestration aligns seamlessly with the notes of regenerative and sustainable farming. It's a melodic ode to enhanced soil health, nurtured through structured nurturing and enriched by vibrant microbial diversity. The harmony extends to the realm of sustainability, where the virtuoso of closed nutrient cycles plays its part in the symphony of Earth's longevity.

As the seasons change, the melodies of biodynamic farms resonate with nature's rhythm. The virtuosity of diverse crops and companion planting becomes a chorus that supports biodiversity and bolsters pollinators, rendering the landscape a vibrant tapestry of life.

Biodynamic agriculture, a masterpiece that transcends conventions, introduces cosmic and spiritual principles to the canvas of cultivation. It's a holistic masterpiece that weaves threads of interconnectedness, healing the tapestry of the Earth while composing notes of sustainability and resilience. In the face of challenges and skeptics, this symphony of soil health and biodiversity stands as a triumphant crescendo in the realm of regenerative farming. It beckons us to embrace the harmony of life and dance to the rhythm of nature.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Nature-based innovations for climate-resilient rice production

Rice, a versatile crop grown in diverse agro-ecologies, is vulnerable to environmental shifts, especially due to its substantial water requirements. The water foot print of rice is very high. About 3000 to 4000 liters of water is required to produce a kilogram of rice in flooded rice cultivation methods.  However, advancements in sustainable farming practices, such as direct seeded rice, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) methods, and dryland or rainfed rice cultivation, are offering hope in mitigating methane emissions from conventional rice farming. Adopting these eco-friendly innovations, alongside appropriate seed varieties, holds the key to ensuring a greener and more resilient future for rice cultivation.

Rice cultivation in Bali, Indonesia

The adverse impacts of climate change, characterized by erratic weather patterns and extreme events, pose a direct threat to rice cultivation worldwide. Unpredictable rainfall, prolonged dry spells, and the ingress of seawater in coastal areas disrupt conventional farming practices involving waterlogged conditions, jeopardizing yields. Moreover, intensive rice cultivation has exacerbated methane emissions, contributing to greenhouse gas buildup. To preserve rice as a sustainable and climate-resilient crop, transformative approaches are urgently needed. Some of the practices that can reduce methane emissions are:

Direct-Seeded Rice

Direct-seeded rice (DSR) is a promising alternative to traditional flooded rice cultivation methods. In DSR, rice is sown directly in moist fields, reducing water usage by up to 35% compared to puddled fields. Weed control is achieved through the judicious application of herbicides, leading to substantial labor and cost savings. DSR also boasts faster maturity, making it an attractive option for regions with erratic rainfall patterns. In India, some state governments are offering INR 1500 to INR 4000 per acre to farmers for switching to direct-seeded rice cultivation.

System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a revolutionary farming method that offers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional rice cultivation. SRI emphasizes a set of agronomic practices designed to optimize plant growth and productivity while minimizing environmental impact. Some of the key components of SRI include:

  • Transplanting young and single seedlings at the 3-leaf stage with wider spacing to promote robust root systems.
  • Maintaining intermittent soil moisture through carefully controlled irrigation, avoiding continuous flooding.
  • Incorporating organic matter into the soil to enhance its fertility and water-retaining capacity.
  • Weeding through mechanical or manual means to minimize herbicide usage.

SRI not only reduces methane emissions by up to 60% compared to traditional flooded rice fields but also enhances water use efficiency and promotes soil health. However, successful implementation of SRI requires the selection of appropriate rice varieties that respond well to these methods and the use of appropriate machinery for scaling operations. 

Please check my blog on Sustainability in Bali: Through the lens of perennial wisdom

Farmer Suweden growing rice adopting SRI method in Bali

Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) Methods

Another effective approach to reducing methane emissions is the implementation of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) methods. Unlike continuous flooding, AWD allows for periodic drying and re-flooding of rice fields, maintaining an aerobic environment that suppresses methane production. By alternating the water level in the fields, AWD significantly reduces methane emissions while still supporting healthy rice growth.

Dryland or Rainfed Rice Cultivation

Recognizing the challenges posed by water scarcity and irregular rainfall patterns, dryland or rainfed rice cultivation methods offer viable solutions. In these systems, rice is grown without continuous flooding, relying solely on natural precipitation or limited irrigation. These methods not only save water but also contribute to lower methane emissions.

Selecting Appropriate Seed Varieties

Adopting eco-friendly rice cultivation practices necessitates choosing suitable seed varieties that respond well to SRI, AWD, dryland, or rainfed conditions. Scientists and agricultural experts are continuously developing climate-resilient rice varieties that thrive under varying water regimes. By selecting high-yielding, drought-tolerant, and submergence-resistant varieties, farmers can ensure sustainable rice production in the face of changing climatic conditions.

Climate change poses significant challenges for rice production, demanding innovative and sustainable solutions. Embracing eco-friendly technologies such as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) methods, alongside dryland or rainfed rice cultivation, is crucial in reducing methane emissions and conserving water resources. Additionally, the selection of appropriate seed varieties enhances the resilience of rice crops in the changing climate. By collaborating closely with researchers, farmers, seed companies and policymakers, rice producing countries can achieve a greener and more sustainable rice revolution, safeguarding its agricultural heritage for generations to come.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Webinar on "Regenerative Agriculture - A beacon of hope for restructuring food and agriculture systems"

Agriculture is facing numerous challenges, from soil degradation and water scarcity to biodiversity loss and climate change impacts. Regenerative agriculture holds the potential to not only address the pressing issues faced by modern agriculture but also create significant value for businesses operating in the sector.

 Ecosystem restoration:

Soil degradation is a major challenge plaguing conventional agriculture. Decades of intensive farming practices, including excessive pesticide and fertilizer use, have stripped the soil of its fertility and biology leading to reduced yields and diminished ecosystem health. Regenerative agriculture, on the other hand, focuses on restoring and enhancing the health of the soil through a set of ecological practices and integration of livestock supporting circularity. By implementing practices such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and organic fertilization, animal husbandry, regenerative farmers can improve soil structure, increase water-holding capacity, and enhance nutrient cycling. These measures not only lead to healthier crops but also promote biodiversity and mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration.


Climate change poses a significant threat to global food production. Extreme weather events, shifting precipitation patterns, and rising temperatures disrupt agricultural systems and jeopardize food security. Regenerative agriculture helps building resilience in farming systems. Practices like agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and holistic grazing, alternate wetting and drying system of rice cultivation help to mitigate climate change impacts by enhancing water retention, reducing soil erosion, and promoting carbon sequestration. By implementing regenerative practices, farmers can adapt to changing climatic conditions and ensure the long-term sustainability of their operations.

Creating Value for Businesses:

Regenerative agriculture not only addresses environmental concerns but also creates value for businesses, including those in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector. Consumers today are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of the products they purchase. By embracing regenerative agriculture, CPG businesses can differentiate themselves in the market by offering sustainable and ethically sourced products. Companies that integrate regenerative practices into their supply chains can enhance their brand reputation, attract environmentally conscious consumers, and drive customer loyalty. Additionally, regenerative agriculture can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint, comply with sustainability regulations, and build resilient supply chains in the face of climate-related disruptions.

Several leading CPG companies have already recognized the potential of regenerative agriculture and are actively incorporating it into their business models. For instance, General Mills, Nestle, PepsiCo and others has partnered with farmers to implement regenerative practices, resulting in improved soil health, reduced chemical inputs, and increased yields. AB InBev, a major beverage company is investing in regenerative farming projects, supporting farmers in transitioning to sustainable practices and ensuring a stable supply of ingredients. These companies are not only reaping the benefits of regenerative agriculture but also inspiring others in the industry to follow suit.

From Suspicion to Trust: The VCMI Claims Code and the Future of Voluntary Carbon Markets

 In the global effort towards climate change mitigation, voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) have emerged as a potential game-changer and a glimmer of hope. These markets offer a unique opportunity to bridge financing gaps, facilitate corporate transitions to Net Zero, and support countries' sustainable development objectives. However, the major challenge for VCMs has been the integrity  and transparency of carbon credits.

On 28th June, 2023  the Voluntary carbon markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) launched its Claims Code that aims to address the critical need for integrity in voluntary carbon markets. The Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) is an international non-profit organization with a mission to enable high-integrity voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) to deliver real benefits to environment and avoid hype and claims regarding net zero emissions. After two years of extensive research and stakeholder engagement, the Claims Code published a comprehensive framework for companies, individuals, investors, and governments to navigate the complexities of carbon credits and make credible claims regarding their climate commitments.

The Claims Code emphasizes the need of going beyond business-as-usual practices. Carbon credits should be generated through activities that truly benefit host communities and increase overall greenhouse gas mitigation, rather than merely substituting existing actions. By adhering to high integrity rules, VCMs can earn the trust of stakeholders, attract investments, and unleash their full potential.                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Claims Code operates through a four-step process, ensuring compliance with foundational criteria aligned with the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. The four steps are;

  1.     Companies must disclose their greenhouse gas emissions,
  2.     Set science-based reduction targets
  3.     Demonstrate progress towards those targets
  4.     Advocate for ambitious climate regulation.

Additionally, companies can make VCMI Claims in three tiers: Silver, Gold, and Platinum, each requiring the purchase and retirement of high-quality carbon credits based on the percentage of remaining emissions ranging from 20 to 100 percent.

To uphold the credibility of claims, the Claims Code has set stringent requirements for carbon credit use and quality. Only credits meeting the ICVCM Core Carbon Principles and VCMI Assessment Framework could be utilized, ensuring they contribute to global net zero goals and drive market integrity.

Third-party assurance plays a vital role in substantiating VCMI Claims. Transparent reporting and disclosure of key information are necessary to validate compliance with the Foundational Criteria and Claim-specific requirements. By providing this assurance, companies can bolster their climate ambition and build trust with stakeholders.

Looking ahead, the Claims Code will continue to evolve, with the development of additional modules, guidance, and provisions for specific sectors and geographies. As VCMI expands, it aims to complement comprehensive climate policy and regulations, emphasizing that voluntary action alone is insufficient to combat climate change. The launch of the VCMI Claims Code marks a significant step toward unlocking the transformative power of voluntary carbon markets. By fostering transparency, credibility, and accountability, this framework has the potential to shape the future of climate action, accelerate the global transition to Net Zero, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Webinar on "Turning Trash to Cash : Assessing waste based opportunities"

I had the privilege of sharing my insights and perspectives on the tremendous potential of food waste valorization. With an astonishing 2.5 billion tons of food waste generated globally each year, it is clear that we face a significant challenge. However, within this challenge lies a remarkable opportunity to not only reduce the negative impact on the economy and environment but also to generate new revenue resources. This webinar aimed to explore the possibilities and shed light on how we can harness food waste to create a sustainable and profitable future. 

 Food waste is a pressing issue that affects countries worldwide. The sheer magnitude of food waste raises concerns about its social, economic, and environmental implications. Globally, we witness the loss of valuable resources such as water, energy, and labor that go into producing, processing, and distributing food. Moreover, the decomposing food waste in landfills releases greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. Addressing this crisis requires innovative approaches and a shift towards a circular economy mindset. 

 The concept of food waste valorization revolves around finding value and purpose in what was previously discarded. It involves transforming food waste into valuable resources through various processes, such as recycling, repurposing, and upcycling. By adopting these strategies, we can divert food waste from landfills and create a positive impact on both the economy and the environment. 

 One of the key highlights of this webinar was the exploration of revenue generation possibilities through food waste valorization. Instead of perceiving food waste as a burden, we can view it as a potential resource for new business ventures and revenue streams. By adopting innovative technologies and approaches, we can unlock the latent value within food waste. 

 During the webinar, I delved into case studies and success stories where organizations and entrepreneurs have effectively utilized food waste valorization to their advantage. From the production of biogas, biofuels, and fertilizers to the creation of sustainable packaging materials and food additives, the potential applications of food waste valorization are vast. These success stories demonstrated that by embracing circular economy principles, companies can simultaneously reduce waste, enhance sustainability, and generate economic benefits. 

 The webinar focuses on answering critical questions surrounding food waste valorization. Can we truly transform food waste from an environmental liability into an economic asset? How can we incentivize businesses and individuals to adopt food waste valorization practices? What are the technological advancements and strategies required to drive the widespread adoption of food waste valorization? These questions were addressed through engaging discussions, expert insights, and real-world examples, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with food waste valorization.


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

How technology is helping farmers grow more food with less chemicals

I had the pleasure of engaging in a captivating conversation with Matt Blois, the reporter from the renowned Chemical and Engineering News journal. From the moment our discussion began, it became abundantly clear that Matt possessed a remarkable talent for extracting information from experts with finesse and flair. He graciously provided me with the freedom to express myself in the manner I deemed most fitting, resulting in a dynamic and invigorating dialogue that spanned the course of an entire hour. Our exchange was nothing short of enthralling, leaving me both intellectually stimulated and invigorated. I am delighted to share the fruits of our conversation. Click the link " How Technology is Helping Farmers Grow More Food with Less Chemicals."