Since civilization farmers, healers and craftsmen have meticulously
observed the influence of sun, moon and planets on plants, animals and humans. Agriculture was greatly influenced by the
lunar rhythms. Farming operations like tilling land, planting, harvesting and
wild collection were based on the lunar influences.
The science of Astrology and Astronomy was well known in the
Indian subcontinent few thousand years ago much before the subject was
understood in the Western world. In
addition to the influence of planets and zodiac, Indian Astrology used star and
star galaxies to understand the moon phases with intricate details.
Like Indians, Romans were also intrigued by the cosmic rhythms.
Pliny (23-79 AD), a renowned naturalist and author of Naturalis Historia, a comprehensive study of natural history
advised Roman farmers to harvest fruits for the market during full moon as it
would weigh more and for self consumption on a new moon day as it would have
better storability. The timber trees were cut on a new moon day. During that
period a Royal order was also passed to harvest timber only during the waning
phase of the moon.
Similarly the traditional medical
practices of Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Sidha etc. medicinal plants are
harvested only at specific time of the day or month. Such practices are known
to exist in different cultures across the globe from mountainous habitats to
islands and deserts to dense rain forests.
Even in Bhutan, Astrology plays a
very important role in the life of Bhutanese. They believe that planets and
zodiac have their effect on plants and humans. The local newspapers have a
section for astrology (‘zakar’) listing days that are auspicious for important
activity like constructing a house, marriage, shifting houses, starting
business, undertaking long journey etc. Farmers adopting traditional farming
follow the lunar rhythms in their farming activities.
The rich traditional knowledge passed down to the succeeding
generations have contemplated the life patterns of all living organisms woven
into the cosmic rhythms. Moon
has its influence on the ocean tides, groundwater table and the movement of
fluids in plants.
Several studies have shown the
changes in the photochemistry of plants due to variations in seasons,
harvesting period and circadian effect. It is quite interesting to note the
research studies on the effect of tides on swelling and shrinking of trees.
Renowned physicist and Nobel laureate Gerard Dorda used the concept of
Quantum-Hall-Effect (QHE) to compute the effects of gravity from the moon on
the water in living organisms. It was found that a regular, reversible,
rhythmic pattern of water in cells and the variation in the pattern was maximum
during the new moon.
Investigations by Zürcher reported
the rhythmic variations in a tree
species Maesopsis eminii (Rhamnaceae)
in accordance to the moon phases. He found significant differences in the seed
germination rates when seeds were sown during full moon and new moon. The study
also revealed that the speed of germination, rate of germination, and average
height and growth rate of seedlings showed better results and larger seedlings
if the seeds were sown before the full moon. (Zurcher E.2000. Lunar related
traditions in forestry and phenomena in tree biology. J Forestier Suisse.151(11):417–424)
Several fishes and insects synchronise
their egg laying period during full moon. Many wild animals give birth to their
young ones on a full moon day. These cannot be mere coincidences. It’s a fact
wherein one can see the effect of cosmic influence but unable to comprehend with
a scientific logic. The present scientific world may
not accept the fact regarding the influence of the cosmic rhythms and the
constellations on the life forms. However, human life, as well as animal and
plant life, is strongly dependent on the rhythms of the earth and cosmos. The
plant and animal life is instantly influenced by the sidereal and synodic
relationships of the sun, earth, moon and other planets.
Understanding the effects of cosmos,
and timing the farming operations is a zero-cost input for the farmers. It can immensely
contribute to the increase of quantity and quality of the produce and reduce
the pest attack by tuning farming to the rhythms of nature. This is a clear
indication to develop standard operating procedures for crop production and
harvesting and benefit from the influence of cosmos at no cost.
Farmers and researchers should experiment with the farming
calendar and document the veracity of the traditional practices. Had these
practices not showing results probably it would have vanished long ago. Traditional
knowledge is not about turning the clock back. Rather it’s a set of practices
and knowledge systems that have been replicated for millennia, which exactly
fits into the definition of scientific experimentation. There is a need to
blend the ancient wisdom with modern science.
planting calendar for 2012 is prepared on the basis of such influences which
are widely used by the biodynamic farmers across the globe. This calendar is
specific to Bhutan which is + 06.00hrs GMT and can be tailor made to suit the
different geographical locations.
How to use the Lunar farming Calendar?
Following are the general guidelines for the use of farming
i) Moon opposite to Saturn
It occurs approximately once in 29.5 days.
Activities to be undertaken
1. Seed sowing, transplanting, grafting, pruning and layering.
2. Spraying BD501 (Cow horn silica) or bio-pesticides to manage
3. Spraying liquid manures and foliar sprays.
ii) Full moon
This occurs every 29.5 days
Activities to be under taken
1. Sow seeds two days before sowing
2. Apply liquid manures and CPP (Cow Pat Pit) manure
3. Spraying bio pesticides to control pest and disease.
4. Drench the animals for internal parasites (48 hours before)
iii) New moon
This happens once in 27.5days
Activities to be carried out
1. Avoid sowing seeds
2. Cutting timber
iv) Ascending periods
The moon moving in an arc from east to west and when this arc gets
higher everyday, the Moon is ascending
Activities to be undertaken
1. Sowing of crops
2. Spray BD501or pest management practices
3. Spray liquid manures and CPP
v) Descending periods
The moon moving in arc from East to West and this arc gets lower
everyday, the Moon is said to be in descending phase.
Activities to be carried out
1. Transplanting of seedlings.
2. Spraying BD500 (Cow horn manure)
3. Making and spreading compost or manures
4. Pruning trees.
5. Land preparation activities.
vi) Nodes
These are the days when moon pass the sun’s path. It creates
negative influences on the growth of plants.
Avoid all agricultural activities during nodes.
vii) Apogee
Moon orbits around the Earth in an elliptic path. The point where the
moon is far away to earth is called Apogee.
Activities to be undertaken
1. Planting potatoes
2. Irrigating the field
viii) Perigee
Moon moves around the earth in an elliptical path. The point where
the moon is closest to earth is called as perigee.
Activities to be undertaken
1. Spray bio-pesticides to manage pest and disease
ix) Seed and Fruit days
These days influence the growth of seed and fruit crops and good
for sowing and harvesting for the same.
e.g. Paddy, wheat, brinjal, ladyfinger, tomato
x) Root days
These days influence growth and development of root crops and good
for sowing and harvesting for the same.
e.g. .Potato, carrot, beet root
xi) Flower day
These days influence on growth and development of flowers and good
for sowing and harvesting for the same.
e.g. Cut flowers, cauliflower, rose, jasmine
xii) Leaf days
These days help in the growth and development of leafy vegetables
and good for sowing and for harvesting.
e.g. Green leaves, cabbage
...................Happy Farming...............
ReplyDeleteWould you be publishing this useful BD calendar for the year 2013.
Thanks & regards
DeleteDear Mr. Giri,
I will publish the BD calendar for 2013.
can you please mail me the latest published calender