Workshop on April 12, 2014
Biodynamic agriculture is an advanced state of organic farming. In addition to replacing poisonous fertilizers and pesticides with composts and natural pest repellents, biodynamic farming uses lunar rhythms. All farm operations use a set of nine special preparations in homeopathic doses to nourish the soil and crops. In other words, it mimics the forest's natural ecosystem. Farmers can produce a superior quality of food in their farm or garden by utilizing the locally available natural resources.
This an introductory lecture for a series of hands on workshops. This lecture in not required to take the hands on course but it is strongly recommended. Participants will receive a free 2014 Farming Lunar Calendar.
This an introductory lecture for a series of hands on workshops. This lecture in not required to take the hands on course but it is strongly recommended. Participants will receive a free 2014 Farming Lunar Calendar.
Sustainable Living Department,
Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa
If you are interested
Register HERE